Now here's an interesting story!
Went for family meeting over drinks... to a cosy hotel bar ... Alphen Hotel in Constantia (www.alphen.co.za)... Cape Town. The history of the bar is very interesting.
Back in de 19 hundreds, the owner of the bar was english and sided with the english, whilst his wife was afrikaans and sided with the boers.
The english soldier's would come to the bar and chat and have a drink or 3. The wife, who would be the waiter, would listen to all the stories and plans etc. Collect the information and send it secretively to the boer's who would then have more intel and be able to plan their next moves much better!
It's truly an interesting story... The pic above is of the two flags of the time and the plaque's below is of the story beautifully worded in both english and afrikaans.
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