How cool is this...
state that you found a cache on and it automatically updates your account that you've found a cache and gives relevant information!
pretty sweet!
of course... you have to link your geocaching profile to your twitter profile!
I also heard news that twitter will soon be making their tweets geo-taggable... i.e. Get to know WHERE you friends are tweeting from! Should be pretty interesting to use that feature and see where the celebs are hanging out!
Happy Caching!!!

state that you found a cache on and it automatically updates your account that you've found a cache and gives relevant information!
pretty sweet!
of course... you have to link your geocaching profile to your twitter profile!
I also heard news that twitter will soon be making their tweets geo-taggable... i.e. Get to know WHERE you friends are tweeting from! Should be pretty interesting to use that feature and see where the celebs are hanging out!
Happy Caching!!!
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